| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
sinfinity | 50430 |     | 2 days ago | "he just gave you all the even ones of his :D" |
2 |
skip | 38127 |     | today | "Ricket, did you praise java the other day?" |
3 |
ispiked__ | 32017 |     | today | "you could go with helvetica/arial" |
4 |
frijole | 24738 |     | yesterday | "probably about as many as people who use beat time" |
5 |
Dorothy | 24173 |     | 6 days ago | "I hear Bali's nice this time of year." |
6 |
tocharian | 21406 |     | 921 days ago | " | || *<-' THX FOR FLYING FREENODE!" |
7 |
smithj | 20997 |     | 18 days ago | "they'd kill me when i got back :-P" |
8 |
Nilbus | 20032 |     | today | "who knows mercurial? maybe someone else can present that" |
9 |
redwolf | 11657 |     | 30 days ago | "hmm, haven't really had a need to mess with one" |
10 |
err0rr | 11487 |     | 916 days ago | "im sure where you are on campus factors in too" |
11 |
El_Heffe | 11364 |     | 883 days ago | "like an iso loopback or some junk" |
12 |
iank | 8029 |     | today | "it's in attacher.c, all by its lonesome" |
13 |
mattwestm1 | 7611 |    | 326 days ago | "Nilbus: ever had the smoothie style bubble tea?" |
14 |
sceadu_ | 7575 |     | 131 days ago | "i guess i'm off to cookout then. brb for a while." |
15 |
geckosenator | 5829 |     | 875 days ago | "berserk is an interesting anime" |
16 |
evilroot | 5421 |     | 258 days ago | "http://fenrir.mimisbrunnr.net/~fregac/840_2.jpg" |
17 |
tarheelcoxn | 5316 |     | 380 days ago | "yeah, but that plan includes unlimited data" |
18 |
slack | 5195 |    | yesterday | "his own perl...I believe using some cyrus tools" |
19 |
jportzer | 5121 |    | 31 days ago | "ah, I'm still on 1.5. everyone says 2.0.x crashes way too much" |
20 |
Riche | 4774 |     | 26 days ago | "When I have class ALL FUCKING DAY the day after." |
21 |
lnxduk_ | 4633 |     | 1184 days ago | "multiple layers of tape for all cases" |
22 |
andrewaclt | 4631 |     | 545 days ago | "xchat aqua is not very good." |
23 |
mbjohn | 4087 |   | 879 days ago | "btw, hey jportzer, admiralfrijole :)" |
24 |
skip77 | 3819 |    | 1079 days ago | "be there in a bit, redwolf" |
25 |
smithj_dargo | 3461 |     | 488 days ago | "first snow was last weekend :)" |
Is Kurrelgyre stupid or just asking too many questions? 29.4% lines contained a question!
`Jag didn't know that much either. 26.8% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Bit, who yelled 30.9% of the time!
Another old yeller was MafiaBot, who shouted 18.8% of the time!
It seems that ik's shift-key is hanging: 10.2% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <ik> MULTI-CHANNEL COMMUNICATION!
ncsubt just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 4.3% of the time.
smithj is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 77 times. For example, like this: * smithj stabs wileyrm in the eye
Nilbus can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 73 times.
Poor Nilbus, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 67 times. For example, like this: * skip77 slaps Nilbus
back seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 40 times.
mbjohn brings happiness to the world. 25.2% lines contained smiling faces. :)
mbjohn-rmt isn't a sad person either, smiling 22.7% of the time.
mbjohn-rmt seems to be sad at the moment: 6.2% lines contained sad faces. :(
mbjohn is also a sad person, crying 4.9% of the time.
pakrat wrote the longest lines, averaging 69.4 letters per line.
#ncsulug average was 31.6 letters per line. |
SpEeD147 wrote the shortest lines, averaging 17.4 characters per line.
sgarg was tight-lipped, too, averaging 18.7 characters. |
sinfinity spoke a total of 235314 words!
sinfinity's faithful follower, ispiked__, didn't speak so much: 224926 words.
pinhole wrote an average of 42.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.01 words per line.
| Nick |
Names Used |
1 |
frijole (97 names) |
admiralchem, admiralknoppix, admiralb, admiralfountain, admirale115, admiralway, capnfajita, admialaway, admiralrijole, admiralfrijoler, ... |
2 |
El_Heffe (69 names) |
Chemistry, El_Hausaufgabe, Chill_Heffe, Douge_Greene, emacs_sucks, sXe_Heffe, tehpopo, El_Education, El_GettingAnEduc, bi1, ... |
3 |
bubbles (58 names) |
bubbles_, bubbs|study, bubs|nothere, bubs|bbl, rhl9, Keyser-S, bubbles|bed, bubbles|werk, bubs-away, Nilbus, ... |
4 |
Wolfman2000 (47 names) |
Clueles2K, not_right, Wolf2k_back, Wolf2k_BadPC, Wolf2k_Jammin, Wolf2k_Stuff, Wolf2k_back_dorm, Wolf2k_sleep, Wolf2k_Food, NotRight, ... |
5 |
Nilbus (34 names) |
Sero, pcassell, Bit, root`, Nilbus_Home, Nilbus_gone, akdom, Nilbus, Dorothy, MrAnders1n`, ... |
frijole wasn't very popular, getting kicked 32 times! For example, like this: *** frijole was kicked by sm1thj
ncsubt seemed to be hated too: 18 kicks were received.
frijole is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 46 people!
frijole's faithful follower, elliot, kicked about 27 people.
ChanServ donated 267 ops in the channel...
frijole was also very polite: 10 ops from him/her.
frijole is the channel sheriff with 114 deops.
Dorothy deoped 38 users.
skip always lets us know what he/she's doing: 3318 actions! For example, like this: * skip77 lives just west of campus, no snow here
Also, Dorothy tells us what's up with 1993 actions.
sinfinity talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 673 times!
Another lonely one was skip, who managed to hit 359 times.
wyggler3 couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 1098 joins during this reporting period! |
Claire has quite a potty mouth. 4.4% words were foul language. For example, like this: <Claire> Someone is being an ass
jbrowne also makes sailors blush, 2.4% of the time.
LUG@NCSU || Next meeting: March 17 7p, Riddick 314: Unpresentation (everyone, bring your own thing to present!) |
2 days ago at 14:20 by Nilbus |
LUG@NCSU || Next meeting: March 17, Riddick 314: Unpresentation (everyone, bring your own thing to present!) |
10 days ago at 20:18 by spiffytech_ |
LUG@NCSU || Come join us in Riddick 314 now! |
10 days ago at 19:21 by spiffytech_ |
LUG@NCSU || Feb. 17, 7pm, Riddick 314: Netbooting Fedora + Beowulf clustering || http://tinyurl.com/dmarc-badcop |
11 days ago at 18:36 by spiffytech_ |
LUG@NCSU || Feb. 17, 7pm, Riddick 314: Netbooting Fedora + Beowulf clustering |
14 days ago at 23:30 by spiffytech_ |
LUG@NCSU || Feb. 17, 7pm, Riddick 314: Netbooting Fedora + Beowulf clustering || coolepochcountdown.com |
14 days ago at 16:06 by spiffytech_ |
The topic was set 698 times. |
Total number of lines: 495238.