<div dir="ltr">Couple comments first:<br><div><br> * RS232 voltage levels can be as low as +/- 3v and as high as +/- 15v and still be in spec, so they are not always at 12v.<br></div><div> * The BC237 transistor has an "on" voltage of 0.55v<br>
</div><div> * the resistor sets the current at the base of the transistor and must be at least the load current divided by the transistor gain (120 min, 600 typical)<br><br></div><div>So the 3.3v GPIO voltage of the RPi is at least as high as the minimum RS232 voltage spec. In addition, the voltage drop across the resistor is 3.3v - 0.55 = 2.75v, which gives a current through it of 2.75v/10k = .275 mA. This means the transistor can sink up to 120 x .275mA = 33mA, or 165 mA with typical gain.<br>
<br></div><div>So check your radio to see the current sink required for the PTT, but I suspect that 33mA will be enough, and that is using the minimum gain. If more is needed, simply drop the value of the resistor.<br><br>
</div><div>An op-amp is not needed, nor recommended in this design.<br><br></div></div>