<P>I would like to connect my RedHat Linux computer to the internet. Here are my configuration files.</P>
<P>/etc/syslog.conf<BR>local2.* /var/log/ppp<BR>daemon.* /var/log/ppp</P>
<P>/etc/resolv.conf<BR>domain world123.net<BR>nameserver</P>
<P>/etc/host.conf<BR>order hosts, bind</P>
<P>/etc/nsswitch.conf<BR>hosts: files dns</P>
<P>When I execute this command from the prompt:<BR>/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS1 57600 debug connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v '' AT OK ATD7195295 '\d\c'"<BR>The response is:<BR>pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0<BR>send (AT^M)<BR>expect (OK)<BR>AT^M^M<BR>OK<BR>-- got it<BR>send (ATD7195295^M)<BR>expect (CONNECT)<BR>^M<BR>ATD7195295^M^M<BR>CONNECT<BR>-- got it<BR>send (\d)<BR>Serial connection established.<BR>Using channel 2<BR>Using interface ppp0<BR>Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1<BR>sent [LCP ConReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x465918fc> <pcomp> <accomp>]<BR>LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests<BR>Connection terminated.<BR>Hangup (SIGHUP)<BR>Exit.<BR>I suppose that means that everything is fine and the ISP wants to do authentication.</P>
<P>When I execute this command from the prompt:<BR>/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS1 57600 debug connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v '' ATD7195295 CONNECT '' ogin: 5684webxcs assword: webxcs"<BR>The response is:<BR>pppd 2.4.1 startup by root uid 0<BR>send (ATD7195295^M)<BR>expect (CONNECT)<BR>ATD7195295^M^M<BR>CONNECT<BR>-- got it<BR>send (^M)<BR>expect (ogin:)<BR>33600^M<BR>c^M8q^\#0v^X^G^?Cgn^?... etc.<BR>alarm<BR>Failed<BR>Connection script failed<BR>Exit</P>
<P>This appears to tell me that there is something wrong with the script, but I don't know what.<BR>I am using US Robotics 56K external modem. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what the problem could be.</P>
<P>Thanks,<BR>Sanjeev Rathore</P>
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