<br><font size=2><tt>Can anyone add more to these guys before they start
down the <br>
Micro$oft route ? <br>
BTW - thank you VERY much for coming to the Cary Swapfest. We should get
together with you guys and have a more fully loaded Ham workstation for
support of digital modes, especially APRS and PSK31. <br>
My preference is Redhat, mainly because I'm more familiar with it , though
I've toyed with Lindows (less impressed). What about a supplemental CD
for Linux users to install support for modes above on a Linux PC or laptop.
Your help and advice on what to put in that build would be appreciated.
And I've got kids at Phillips MS working on Cybiko PDAs to support ham
radio. The tools are available from Linux, have to admit haven't pursued
them at this point, but the Window$ build tools are very Linux/Unix makefile
oriented and lend themselves well to transition into a Linux environment.<br>
Cheers & 73s de Mark W4CHL <br>
--------------------forwarded note-------------------<br>
Dear Youth of Today,<br>
A couple of things, as mentioned earlier do you have any familiarity with<br>
Linux ? <br>
There are at least two versions (distributions) of Linux that are very<br>
well documented, easy to install, and have good support. Each includes
Office as mentioned earlier and one needs only have one full version (or
lots <br>
of patience in downloading and installing !) in order to be able to load<br>
all your donated machines with a very up to date, and Windows-like operating
environment. <br>
If you are mainly going to offer: <br>
- Internet access<br>
- Interaction with PCs via web based programs and sites<br>
- web based e-mail <br>
- ability to download and print <br>
- and don't want to deal with as many of the virus and worm issues as<br>
Microsoft users do<br>
Then Linux may be for you. There are also wonderful regional Linux support
groups that can help you with specific questions. The biggest in the area<br>
is the Triangle Linux group, see:<br>
Even though you can go the Microsoft route by possibly getting older<br>
licenses donated (that haven't been part of upgrades), I think you should<br>
contact Triangle Linux User's group (they have a mailing list from the
web site<br>
before purusing "donations" of Microsoft software.<br>
Cheers de Mark Smith, W4CHL <br>
OC ARES liaison to PARC rtpnet.org/parc</tt></font>