BOFH-style excuse server - RPMs for Linux

Do you like the BOFH-style excuse server, at ? Did you want to run one yourself? There are a number of ways to do it, but RPM makes it easy. Just download the RPM below, and you'll have your own excuse server!


BOFH server RPMs
"Binary" installation RPM (all architectures) bofh-server-0.2-1.noarch.rpm
Source RPMbofh-server-0.2-1.src.rpm
These RPMs have been tested with Red Hat Linux 7.3, 8.0, and 9. However, they should work without modification on any other RPM-based distro with xinetd, such as Mandrake 8.2 or 9. If you don't have xinetd, you'll need to configure inetd manually.



Just telnet to your server, on port 666, and you'll get an excuse!

You may want to update the excuse file occassionally... get the latest at

Note: this program is for amusement purposes only. It has not been tested for security holes etc. But since it takes no user input and runs as nobody, there's little damage that can be done.


Last updated Wed, July 23, 2003