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#trilug IRC channel stats

Note: Each of these reports is regenerated every daily.

Stats for the most recent discussions on #trilug

This page shows stats for the last 2500 lines spoken on #trilug

Stats for entire log file

Since 7 January 2003

Stats for #ncsulug log file

Since 7 January 2003

Stats for #ncsulug-chat log file

Since 9 June 2004

Stats for #triwug log file

Since 29 May 2003

Stats from Tribot's log

From 18 July 2002 to sometime in 2004. No longer being generated.

To join the #trilug IRC channel, point your IRC client at the "Freenode" network, or use server, and choose the #trilug channel.

Also of interest: Tripaste, our pastebot.