| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
turnpike420 | 119929 |     | today | "@title http://raleigh-consult.limehouse.com/portal" |
2 |
Nivex | 58931 |     | today | "tarheelcoxn: you told them to commit. have fun being ignored" |
3 |
shaldannon | 51978 |     | today | "here's a big steaming pile of sh*t" |
4 |
jbroome | 47604 |     | today | "my virtual machines are being a real pain in my ass" |
5 |
tarheelcoxn | 44646 |     | today | "meaning our websites are still down" |
6 |
jbeimler | 42895 |     | 101 days ago | "just buy a nice heavy coat and look cool" |
7 |
lovelace | 42330 |     | yesterday | "I guess they didn't want to help you that much, then." |
8 |
jeremyp | 41022 |     | 3 days ago | "^^^ I'm guessing something's not quite happy there" |
9 |
hotgrits | 33610 |     | today | "Nivex: "interrobang" could be ‽" |
10 |
viridari | 33111 |    | 352 days ago | "jwbernin: trilug@ this morning" |
11 |
YanceySlide | 32846 |     | 168 days ago | "Had to get rid of tor for irc, but, meh." |
12 |
pihlopase | 32132 |     | 8 days ago | "it will make him look stupid :-)" |
13 |
frijole | 31704 |     | 14 days ago | "the functionality of the button is what is critical here, right?" |
14 |
jwbernin | 30113 |    | today | "*rofl* http://pastebin.ca/1348145" |
15 |
elfick | 29927 |    | today | "yah, I put a title on my rickrolling site too! ;)" |
16 |
alchemist | 29411 |    | yesterday | "this compilation doesn't allow pine-style specifiers" |
17 |
ik | 28860 |     | yesterday | "things like that, various privileged operations" |
18 |
sofaking | 26102 |     | 78 days ago | "name in vain... wasn't that a clash song?" |
19 |
redwolf | 25029 |     | 3 days ago | "[15:46:50] <jwbernin> I can believe that." |
20 |
juco | 23310 |    | today | "I really like how quickly my macbook goes to sleep and wakes up" |
21 |
jtate | 23303 |     | 3 days ago | "there's one down past the train tracks though." |
22 |
jtower | 22009 |     | 36 days ago | "lovelace: yup, that's why i turned mine off today" |
23 |
crimsun | 20378 |     | 48 days ago | "nurses here make more than i do" |
24 |
RangerRick | 18928 |    | 624 days ago | "turns out my irc log page thing hasn't run since late march" |
25 |
daleth | 17547 |    | 7 days ago | "Yeah, is it something we can test from out here?" |
Is kane stupid or just asking too many questions? 30.0% lines contained a question!
KonvIRC_ didn't know that much either. 28.9% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was jmitchell_, who yelled 32.2% of the time!
Another old yeller was Sparks, who shouted 13.4% of the time!
It seems that viciousx's shift-key is hanging: 4.4% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <viciousx> GAWD VNC IS THE GREATEST
Vicious just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 4.2% of the time.
hotgrits is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 546 times. For example, like this: * Tribot smacks Remedy with a dirty ipfilter
YanceySlide can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 353 times.
Poor turnpike420, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 152 times. For example, like this: * iank stabs turnpike420 in the eye with it
hotgrits seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 148 times.
LisaB brings happiness to the world. 35.1% lines contained smiling faces. :)
SLoSHeD isn't a sad person either, smiling 15.5% of the time.
Karbon seems to be sad at the moment: 7.3% lines contained sad faces. :(
redwolf is also a sad person, crying 4.6% of the time.
tripaste wrote the longest lines, averaging 107.0 letters per line.
#trilug average was 46.2 letters per line. |
m00t00 wrote the shortest lines, averaging 22.9 characters per line.
skip77 was tight-lipped, too, averaging 23.1 characters. |
turnpike420 spoke a total of 1051073 words!
turnpike420's faithful follower, jbeimler, didn't speak so much: 539247 words.
amr-web wrote an average of 49.00 words per line.
Channel average was 8.47 words per line.
| Nick |
Names Used |
1 |
frijole (127 names) |
admiralchem, admiralknoppix, admiralb, amdiraltest, generallegume, admiralfountain, admirale115, admiralfrijole\, admiralway, capnfajita, ... |
2 |
lavigne (121 names) |
lavigne_trilug, heels92_state67, lavigne_meeting, lavignemakingdin, lavigne_dinner, lavigne_home, lavignetobed, lavigne2NY, lavigne2dostuff, lavigne_at_work, ... |
3 |
pihlopase (76 names) |
pihlopase, MurderousFord, go_eagles, pihlopaseBBQ, pimp_daddy, terminator, FordForMayweathe, and_veggies, bz_eggless_cooki, pihlobeer, ... |
4 |
Mindcrime (75 names) |
mindcrime_work_a, NinjaWizard, ElizaBot, Akr1k0s, ManBearPig, mindCrime_walk, Mindcrime_lnx, mindCrime_read, BillGatesIsSatan, ESRisGod, ... |
5 |
viridari (69 names) |
Pontius, thunderbuzzed, cyberbicuspid, bzthunder, thunderbuzz, viridari_, thunder420, thunderwork, thunderbzflag, warthog, ... |
hotgrits wasn't very popular, getting kicked 102 times! For example, like this: *** Tribot was kicked by jeremyp
jeremyp seemed to be hated too: 93 kicks were received.
lovelace is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 218 people!
lovelace's faithful follower, jeremyp, kicked about 132 people.
ChanServ donated 1496 ops in the channel...
jeremyp was also very polite: 47 ops from him/her.
ChanServ is the channel sheriff with 238 deops.
lovelace deoped 74 users.
turnpike420 always lets us know what he/she's doing: 7065 actions! For example, like this: * turnpike420 <3 Legos
Also, hotgrits tells us what's up with 6338 actions.
turnpike420 talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 705 times!
Another lonely one was tarheelcoxn, who managed to hit 510 times.
john280z couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 1973 joins during this reporting period! |
nathan has quite a potty mouth. 3.7% words were foul language. For example, like this: <nathan> Tribot: dogboyneal is <action> damn that asshole
Snarius also makes sailors blush, 1.6% of the time.
TriLUG.org | Next meeting: 3/12, 7pm "GIS: Geo-something-or-other" (see http://trilug.org) |
14 days ago at 16:16 by alan |
TriLUG.org | Next meeting: 3/12, 7pm "GIS: Geo-something-or-another" (see http://trilug.org) |
14 days ago at 08:40 by alan |
TriLUG.org | Next meeting: Tonight! 7pm, topic is "CA Cert", bring two forms of gov't-issued ID to become CA-certified |
15 days ago at 15:22 by mattfrye |
The topic was set 484 times. |
Total number of lines: 1472505.