[Dev] Anybody Listening?

Justin Johnson dev@trilug.org
Thu, 8 Aug 2002 09:31:07 -0500

> I picked up a lot of OOP skills after reading most of
> "Thinking in Java" and then learning Python.  You're right in that Java
makes it
> difficult not to write in a more OO manner, but I have seen flat
> scripts written in Java.  (The anagram example from "Just Java2" comes to

Does "Thinking in Java" do much in the way of real wprld examples? I
understand the basics principles of OOP, but as far as applying that to a
real world problem, well I haven't gotten there yet. Is this a good book for
that? I would really like to see a applied example of modeling classes based
on real world objects / situations. I think this would help me get the hang
of OO.

> If you want something compiled, marketable, and OO, Java is a great
> choice.
At this point not a great concern.

> If you want something quick, easy, and OO, Python and/or Ruby
> would be a good choice.

I've heard Python mentioned before in this light. Any good book suggestions
