[Dev] STL for_each underwhelms me

Tanner Lovelace dev@trilug.org
11 Feb 2002 16:47:23 -0500

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On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 16:07, M. Mueller (bhu5nji) wrote:
> Nice description.  That's one light.  The David Musser STL Tutorial only=20
> talks about functions, never about function objects that have state.  So,=
> I can envision that the function object is "sent in" to the for_each=20
> algorithm.  =20

Hmm... It doesn't talk about function object?  What a major
omission.  I assume you already have an STL book, since you
mention the Musser (& Sanni) one, but I'll just plug my=20
personal favorite.. :-)  I looked at a lot of STL books
(and granted, the 2nd edition of Musser et all wasn't
out when I did, but..) and the one I liked the best,=20
for writing style, information, understanding and examples
was, by far, Nicolai M Josuttis's *The C++ Standard Library,
A Tutorial and Reference*.  That's where I got the example
I showed you.  It talks a lot about function objects...

> This is where I cannot clearly see the benefits of using for_each.  I am=20
> havine the hardest time learning why I would choose to overload operators=
> create a way to squeeze in two parms where the design called for one.  I =
> hearing the cries of those following my code, "what the heck is going on=20
> here?".  Why not choose (what I think is) the simpler way - write a funct=
> or method and call it in a for loop?  Perhaps this is just a more explici=
> way.  It is not obvious to me that using the for_each will produce better=
> performance that using the for-loop.

Well, here, the obvious answer is code reuse.  I gave a generic
function object that would calculate the mean value.  If you
compute the mean value in only one place then a for loop is
probably ok.  If you do it in more than one place, then abstracting
the code out so that you only have to write it once makes more

> I am saying that STL does not create simpler code.  In general, I am very=
> pleased with STL.  I practically think in sets and maps these days.  I'll=
> never write another linked-list.
> I suspect one of my problems with for_each is a poor understanding of=20
> operator overloading, especially for the "function call"

That might be.  Try looking up functor.  The Design Pattern book gives
this reference for a use of the operator() in making a functor:

James O. Coplien, *Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms*. =20
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1992.

I'm sure there are others...
Tanner Lovelace | lovelace@wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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 Those who are willing to sacrifice essential liberties for a little=20
 order, will lose both and deserve neither.  --  Benjamin Franklin=20

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