[Dev] STL for_each underwhelms me

Tanner Lovelace dev@trilug.org
11 Feb 2002 17:23:00 -0500

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On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 16:53, M. Mueller (bhu5nji) wrote:
> So that's what a functor is.  Function adapter is a better name - by far.

I agree.  I think the name functor comes from something in higher
mathematics, so if you're familiar with that it works ok.  For those
of us who are mere mortals, however... :-)
> Function is an address and method is an offset from the base of the table=

Exactly!  To call a method you actually need two addresses: that of the
class, and that of the method inside the class (i.e. table base offset).
Functions only require one.  That's why you can get into trouble
trying to pass a non-static method.  (BTW, static methods are the same
for each class, so they're implemented exactly like a regular function.
That's why you can substitute a static method for a regular function.)
> I am truly amazed how the containers in STL have so rapidly changed that =
> I approach design.   I've OO-ing things in my product (www.signalnetware.=
> since last summer and I've had some handsome payoffs for the work.  I can=
> sense their is more value to be had.  I really got frustrated with the=20
> for_each algorithm, though.

Well, I personally don't consider containers an example of OO.  Instead,
I consider them an example of generic programming, but hopefully the
result is the same: better code and maintainance.

Tanner Lovelace | lovelace@wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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