[Dev] STL for_each underwhelms me

Brent Verner dev@trilug.org
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 20:36:24 -0500

[2002-02-11 19:42] M. Mueller (bhu5nji) said:
| I'm going to take another look at the Josutti book.  i got the examples 
| package from the web.  

Beware that the Josuttis book contains some examples (especially
WRT iostreams, IIRC) that will not work with g++-3 and libstdc++-v3

Also beware of examples in Stroustrup's book as well.

AFAIK, the only (correct) publication regarding the newest c++
standard is that standard itself (ISO/IEC 14882:1998)

| I am finding the Musser book is probably better read front to back.  I do not 
| often read a book in that fashion.

If you haven't yet got Austern's "Generic Programming and the STL",
I highly recommend it for a wonderful look into the concepts behind
the design of the STL.


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