[Dev] Fun with templates
M. Mueller (bhu5nji)
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 16:29:55 -0500
> As to whether anyone around here actually uses them, my guess
> would be not that much. ETs are a very advanced C++ concept.
> Not even the C++ standards committee realized what could
> be done with them until someone came in with a program
> that calculated primes in the error messages. I think
> it will take a while before more people start using them.
> I would expect, however, that the same guys that would
> think about doing hand coded assembly might be the first
> ones that would try them out, though...
> Tanner
The people I know that code assembly by hand think that C is for whimps.
Higher order C++ concepts are way too abstract for their liking. Obviously
the people you know are quite different. Are ETs what they are teaching
undergrads these days?
Here is an article that shows some performance data of hand code vs ET vs
lamda functions. The results are compiler dependent. That seems
troublesome to me, especially in the open source world where any number of
compilers are expected to be applied to the code. The chart does not speak
well of G++.
It has a nice bibliography at the bottom.
Mike M.