[Dev] Josuttis vs Musser
Tanner Lovelace
14 Feb 2002 13:17:50 -0500
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Replace list with vector and I think it should work. I don't
think the operator[] is overloaded for list, because of the fact
that it's not random access. Everything else should work, though.
On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 05:34, M. Mueller (bhu5nji) wrote:
> I think I have some solid evidence to rank two STL books and it hinges on=
> example variety.
> The Josuttis book examples (downloaded from the web) often show that sequ=
> container (vector, deque, list) elements can be directly accessed in a ma=
> similar to arrays:
> list<string> a;
> if (a[3] =3D=3D "blah") doSomething();
> I have a very simple language to parse. I am told 4 position sensitive=20
> things in a string. I parse the string into a list, a, of strings. If=20
> a.size() !=3D 4 then I ignore the statement. Otherwise, I start analysin=
> a[0]..a[3].
> A quick scan of Josuttis examples suggests this approach will work. The=20
> Musser et al book was not so helpful. The Musser et al book does use this=
> technique and the book's formal definition of the technique is still hidi=
> from me.=20
> These books are nearly $50 each.
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Tanner Lovelace | lovelace@wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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