[Dev] Reading Circle
Tom Bryan
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 22:03:59 +0500
On Saturday 16 February 2002 12:06 am, prhodes@vdsinc.com wrote:
> > come on out. I plan on learning all I can from the group, and hope
> > that I have something valuable that I can add to the discussion.
> Same here. You have to figure, pretty much nothing but good
> can come from hanging out with a bunch of people who are
> interested in the same subject as you. Everybody learns
> from everybody else, and a sort of "feedback-loop" is created
> where we all help each other further our understanding. Or
> at least that's what's supposed to happen. :-)
I'm not sure whether I'll be joining this round, but it sounds interesting.
I've done something similar with this book at work last year. Even if I
don't join your reading group, I may have some suggestions on how to make the
exercise more beneficial. Pester me later for details.