[Dev] coda filesystems
Chris Hedemark
Wed, 20 Feb 2002 07:23:04 -0500
You might get some more responses on the main trilug@list since this is more
of a sysadmin question than a dev question.
On Wednesday 20 February 2002 02:19 am, you wrote:
> Do any of you have any experience using coda filesystems? More
> specifically, can the coda filesystem be used to 'mount' single
> files in an otherwise non-coda directory?
> For those of you who do not know what coda is, go visit
> http://www.coda.cs.cmu.edu/
> quick buzzword intro...
> 1. disconnected operation for mobile computing
> 2. is freely available under a liberal license
> 3. high performance through client side persistent caching
> 4. server replication
> 5. security model for authentication, encryption and access control
> 6. continued operation during partial network failures in server network
> 7. network bandwith adaptation
> 8. good scalability
> 9. well defined semantics of sharing, even in the presence of network
> failures
> thanks.
> brent