[Dev] seeking NSF grant application advice/info
Ed Hill
17 Jan 2002 13:16:18 -0700
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On Thu, 2002-01-17 at 07:37, Paul D. Boyle wrote:
> Another thing NSF likes is to show how the project can benefit other
> segments of society (i.e. have a "broad impact"), especially with
> underrepresented segments like women and racial minorities, and
> ably-challenged individuals (to use the politically correct term).
I've written (and helped write) a number of grants (one for NSF) and
Paul's advice is excellent. The only thing I'd add is collaboration.=20
You can potentially obtain most of the benefits mentioned above through
collaboration with someone at a Univ.=20
good luck!
Edward H. Hill III, PhD
Post-Doctoral Researcher | Email: ed@eh3.com, ehill@mines.edu
Division of ESE | URL: http://www.eh3.com
Colorado School of Mines | Phone: 303-273-3483
Golden, CO 80401 | Fax: 303-273-3311
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