[Dev] Re: [TriLUG] Coding to retrieve email from database
Matthew Todd
11 Jul 2002 12:49:11 -0500
On first glance, the problem's in your second query: you can't call echo
inside a string like that.
You can instead use the string concatenation operator:
"SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE $u == '" . $r[2] . "'"
Or curly braces:
"SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE $u == '{$r[2]}'"
For future reference, development-related questions are more appropriate
for this dev@trilug.org list instead of the main one.
On Wed, 2002-07-10 at 18:51, Reginald Tchume wrote:
> Would someone be kind to help refine this code for producing required
> results?
> I want to retrieve the email from the database of USERS under an IF-ELSE
> condition when member_count<=4.
> IF count(members)<=4, I want to retrieve email(r2[4]) of sponsor(r[2]) ELSE
> email(r[4]) of user(r[1]) from the table USERS. Currently, I'm getting a
> warning of mysql_fetch_row() argument not valid.
> Here is the complete code I've been working with:
> <?php
> $conn=mysql_connect ("localhost", "UID", "PWD") or die ('Cannot connect
> to the database.');
> mysql_select_db(exec);
> $u = username;
> $r = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE
> $u='lennie'"));
> count(members)<=5 ? $r2 = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM
> `users` WHERE $u == 'echo($r[2])'")) && print $r2[4] : print $r[4];
> mysql_close($conn);
> ?>
> reg
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