[Dev] Re: ADV: Direct email blaster, email addresses extractor, maillist verify, maillist manager...........

Jon Carnes dev@trilug.org
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:27:19 -0400

That's a feature in the new beta, but there is a workaround for folks using
the current versions:


-----Original Message-----
From: dev-admin@trilug.org [mailto:dev-admin@trilug.org]On Behalf Of
James Manning
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 9:23 AM
To: dev@trilug.org
Subject: [Dev] Re: ADV: Direct email blaster, email addresses extractor,
maillist verify, maillist manager...........

[Mike Johnson]
> *sigh*  Sorry about that.  This list wasn't set up like the main TriLUG
> list that only allowed list members to post.  It's fixed now.
> In case anyone was wondering, this has worked great for keeping spam off
> the main list.

anyone know how to configure mailman so that it's members-only posting
*and* attempts by non-members are just ignored?  I hate getting notified
by sf.net that I need to check some postings held for approval because
of posting by non-members (always spam) - I'd much rather have it
automatically discarded, but I don't see where in the config options
for the list (mailman ver 2.0.9-sf.net)


James Manning <http://www.sublogic.com/james/>
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