[Dev] XML Developer's on the list
Kevin Sonney
23 Jun 2002 22:26:38 -0400
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On Sun, 2002-06-23 at 12:17, Tom Bryan wrote:
> I'd like the roles to be validated by the XML parser, but the set of=20
> valid roles varies depending upon which customer is using the software.=20
Hmm. that can make things tricky.
> Is there a way to do this without having a completely different version o=
f the=20
> schema at each customer site? Am I stuck with using xsd:string for the r=
> attribute and doing all of the validation in the code (driven by a=20
> site-specific properties file)? Would you somehow separate out the porti=
> that change per customer and let those responsible for installing the sys=
> tweak the customer-specific portions of the schema?
I expect you'll need an xml schema per site if they don't all share the
same role information. One thing that could make this really do-able,
though, is the use of name spaces in your data, like so:
<?xml version=3D"1.0">
<roles xmlns:sitea=3D"http://sitea.org/schema"
<sitea:customer name=3D"foo"/>
<siteb:customer name=3D"bar"/>
Each site has it's own name space, and can define their own schema as
You probably aught to read the spec at
http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/ for complete information.....
-- Kevin Sonney --
-- ICQ: 4855069 AIM: ksonney --
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Crispy Fries -- Neil, http://www.goats.com
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