[Dev] Re: [TriLUG] Server Check-Out / In-Use-Register software

John Beimler dev@trilug.org
Sat, 24 May 2003 14:25:27 -0400

Ok, wasn't going to respond, but Matusiak goaded me into it. C++ is just 
COBOL of the 1990's.  Take all the bad parts from OO, and plug in 
assembly language, and you end up with a mess, or you can call it C++. 
I'd recomend the Unix hater's handbook 
(http://research.microsoft.com/~daniel/unix-haters.html) to see all that 
is wrong with C++. On the other hand, people who just use a subset of 
C++, its not horrible. Of course most of the decent features in C++ can 
be faked in C, so why add the overhead?

Smalltalk and Lisp are Real OO programming languages.  If you're 
tangentally interested in learning OO programming, my personal favorite 
right now is Python (http://python.org).  It is mostly OO, and moving 
towards being completely object based. There are lots of tutorials out 
there, and the language is freely available.

