[Hosting] Re: status of TriLUG server blitzkrieg

Tanner Lovelace hosting@trilug.org
04 Aug 2002 21:41:52 -0400

On Sun, 2002-08-04 at 17:31, Chris Hedemark wrote:
> [Copied to trilug@trilug.org but in-depth discussion probably belongs on
> sys@trilug.org (mailing list for discussion of TriLUG hosted services)]

Actually, sys is the list for people who have sudo access to
the trilug boxes so we can inform people if we make a change
of something.  hosting@trilug.org is the mailing list for discussion
of TriLUG hosted services.  Just because it hasn't had much traffic
yet doesn't mean it has died.  Besides, hosting is a public list
while sys is restricted to only those with sudo access.  So, please
direct any replies to hosting@trilug.org.

[ rest of original message follows ]

> Tanner & I just completed another few hours of work on the donated
> hardware.  While we did have some disappointments, overall I am pleased
> with the outcome of this weekend's work.
> What we have accomplished:
> * We have a working Kerberos/LDAP server (moya.trilug.org).  UID/GID,
> shell preference, home dir, and other info is kept in LDAP.  Passwords
> are kept in Kerberos.  To answer one concern that was expressed about
> this, no, LDAP does not proxy password requests to Kerb.  The login
> process hits Kerb directly for password authentication without going
> through LDAP.
> * We have a mirror server (dargo.trilug.org).  Because the size of the
> disks used was small (9GB and 18GB), and all of the content therein is
> just mirrored stuff from other sites, we made the decision to not use
> RAID but to stripe the drives without any parity.  So we need to make
> sure nothing unique & important gets put here.  It's got a basic OS on
> it right now and is not actually serving anything yet.
> Neither server is in the rack yet.  Both are in Tanners car.  We're
> hoping to have moya hooked up early this week.  Dargo is a big brute of
> a server and will take some more time, so he may come online later.
> Other TriLUG servers will need to be modified to use moya.  Also we need
> to migrate member data from MySQL, /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow on
> fatalpha to Kerb/LDAP on Moya.  Admin scripts for the SC to
> add/remove/modify members needs to be adjusted to use LDAP & Kerb
> instead of MySQL, /etc/passwd & /etc/shadow.  Fatalpha needs to nfs
> export user home dirs.
> Mail server is not coming soon.  We have a dead 60GB drive which may
> take some time to get replaced.  It sounds like we might need to
> regroup, figure out what hardware we have, what it is currently doing,
> and whether or not any of it can be leveraged for mail server purposes. 
> Right now if anyone had LARGE scsi hard disks to donate, I'm confident
> we could use one of the existing systems as a mail server.
> For the ftp mirror server, we need to either bring in or develop
> expertise in Logical Volume Management.  We've got a few drives (two
> logical drives via RAID 0, one physical drive) that we'd like to apply
> LVM to and then start the mirroring scripts.
> Getting the RAID controllers going took awhile because #1 they did not
> come with any disks and #2 the server had a bum floppy controller.  We
> had to (*ick*) boot from a Win98 CD and then pop in a CD-R which had the
> Mylex tools on it at which point we were good to go.
> We have one piece of unused server hardware, not sure where it will fit
> in.  It is a Dell PowerEdge 2200 with dual Pentium II 333 processors,
> 128MB of RAM, dual 4GB scsi hard disks, SCSI CDROM, dual fast ethernet
> cards.  I suppose we could just get the OS going on the internal drives
> and NFS mount everything else.
> _______________________________________________
> Sys mailing list
> Sys@trilug.org
> http://www.trilug.org/mailman/listinfo/sys
Tanner Lovelace | lovelace(at)wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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 Those who are willing to sacrifice essential liberties for a little 
 order, will lose both and deserve neither.  --  Benjamin Franklin 

 History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times
 of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to 
 endure.  --  Justice Thurgood Marshall, 1989