[Hosting] failed WD 60 gig drive

Chris Hedemark hosting@trilug.org
10 Aug 2002 01:56:11 -0400

I didn't see a response so I will say "not me" which pretty much leaves
Tanner.  Right?

On Fri, 2002-08-09 at 10:37, Jeremy Portzer wrote:

> Who has the failed WD drive?  I'd be happy to take care of getting the 
> RMA, shipping it back, etc.  Let me know if you'd like me to do this.
> The serial number is  WMA7E1728078 and the model number is WD600AB-22BVA0.

| Rev. Chris Hedemark, DD
| Hillsborough, NC
| http://yonderway.com
| "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is 
| dressed in overalls and looks like work."
|                      Thomas A. Edison