[Hosting] RPM package for Net::LDAP

Mike Mueller hosting@trilug.org
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 08:26:15 -0400

Hi all,

I just joined hosting last night.  I volunteered to help out wherever I could 
with trilug admin-ing.  Tanner had the following suggestion:

"Finally, if you would like to start on something right away... :-)
[o]ne thing I really need right now <snip> is an RPM package of the perl 
Net::LDAP module." 

To which I responded:

"This is where I am starting my research: http://perl-ldap.sourceforge.net/
I'll check the mailing list archives and the web for a pre-built rpm.  I'll 
subscribe and see if anybody is working on the project already if previous 
search yields nulls."

If it turns out that there is no Redhat RPM package then I will undertake 
creating one.

It proves once again that one should be careful about what you ask for 
because you might get it :-).   I would love to pull a rabbit out of a hat 
and find the RPM or grunt my way through making the RPM.  If anyone has 
insights to solving this puzzle please be sure to post them.

mueller, mike

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-Editorial, The Nation, August 19, 2002