[Hosting] RPM package for Net::LDAP
Mike Mueller
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 12:05:54 -0400
On Wednesday 21 August 2002 11:04, John Franklin wrote:
> Wouldn't using CPAN be a valid mean of installing and managing Perl
> modules?
> http://www.cpan.org/misc/cpan-faq.html#How_install_Perl_modules
I am going to put my neck on the block and make some guesses after having
read a bit about CPAN.
First I checked to see if I had CPAN installed using this script from the
site shown above:
use ExtUtils::Installed;
my $instmod = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
foreach my $module ($instmod->modules()) {
my $version = $instmod->version($module) || "???";
print "$module -- $version\n";
whose output on my laptop is was:
[root@laptop root]# /home/mike01/temp/lperlmod
Perl -- 5.6.1
I did not have CPAN loaded. (How about that? My first Perl script :-)
To answer the question it seems that CPAN is a valid, and arguably preferred
by some, way to load and manage Perl modules. But there might be a preference
for an RPM package for the sake of consistency (automating system
configuration might achieve consistency through use of RPM packages rather
than a combination of tarballing, CPANing and RPMing). Maybe CPAN is
undesireable (meaning that it's one more tool for an unauthorized person to
muck with) to have on some machines where you wish to only load certain Perl
modules. The security of CPAN is admittedly weak (see
http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/CPAN/perl/CPAN.html). CPAN seems no worse off
than Debian's loading from the net. (Hmmmm. I'd better learn a bit more
about that.)
The downside of not using CPAN might be that system of information on which
it depends might be undermined. For instance the .packlist files created
during module installation are important to the script shown above. On my
laptop I could find no .packlist files (see above example).
It is probably worthwhile to compare a CPAN installation of Net::LDAP with
any RPM package installation of the same set of modules. That will work
towards answering the question definitely if such an answer is not
forthcoming sooner.
Good question. Thanks for the link. I'll look into CPAN further.
mueller, mike
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