[Hosting] Call for volunteers: mirror maintainers needed
David A. Cafaro
05 Sep 2002 12:22:34 -0400
True I read the same, but one useful thing that did come out of my
LinuxWorld Expo trip was the SELinux session I attended. The Egovos
Is trying to promote and take over maintenacne of the SELinux
distribution that NSA put out. So even though it isn't maintained by
NSA it may not be a dead distro. Here is the overview of what they
talked about at linuxworldL
And something from zdnet about it:
Just something to mull over...may mean nothing.
On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 11:28, Chris Hedemark wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 11:15, Jon Carnes wrote:
> > You might want to re-look at Immunix and see if its legal to run a
> > mirror of its distro. It's licensing is somewhat like suse's.
> > There is a Security Hardened version of Linux that is put out by the
> > Feds. That might be a good replacement for Immunix.
> Is anyone using either one?
> Also, the one put out by the NSA is not going to be maintained anymore
> from what I read. Apparently M$ twisted enough arms up high in the
> gummint, and I was reading a quote from an upper level NSA guy that
> basically said it was a mistake and they won't be doing anything like
> that again.
> --
> Chris Hedemark
> Yonder Way Productions - Professional Videography
> Hillsborough, NC
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