[Hosting] vsftpd question

Tanner Lovelace lovelace at wayfarer.org
Thu Dec 4 10:53:20 EST 2003

David Parker wrote:
> Please inform  me if this is not the correct forum for this type of
> question.  I am trying to host a new ftp site, using RedHat for the
> first time.  vsftpd is giving me great transfer rates when I download
> ++from++ the server, but really slow rates when I upload ++to++ the
> server.  I'm only getting 80kb/sec and the machine I'm using to test
> is on the same switch.  Has anybody else experienced a problem with
> vsftpd?  TIA.
> -- David Parker
> Systems Administrator
> UNC-CH School of Education

You might have better luck asking on the main trilug list, but here's
what I can come up with off the top of my head...

Are you hosting it on a cable or DSL connection? If so, those connections
don't typically have the same speeds in both directions.  Instead
one direction is much faster than the other.  That could be what
you're seeing.

Or, if you've got it hosted at UNC, then it's certainly something

Good luck,
Tanner Lovelace | lovelace(at)wayfarer.org | http://wtl.wayfarer.org/
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