[Hosting] "local" host needed
John Franklin
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 17:50:11 -0500
On Friday, Jan 31, 2003, at 11:37 US/Eastern, Richard O. Hammer wrote:
> Joseph Tate wrote:
>> Why not do what all others do when developing and deploying on the=20
>> same machine: use a different port and a separate instance of the=20
>> services involved configured to use those other ports.
> Probably I can explore this further. Also, you got me wondering if I=20=
> could run more than one port 25 on one machine. I've tested and=20
> indeed it seems I can run one port 25 for each IP address. Typically=20=
> my machine has three IP addresses (localhost 127..., LAN 192..., and=20=
> one assigned dynamically by Sprint/Earthlink), so I can probably use=20=
> this for some mailserver testing.
> This machine has only one network interface card, but evidently that=20=
> does not limit this behavior, for reasons I hope to understand > =
Physical vs logical layers. It's the same reason you can get bank=20
statements (read: e-mail) for multiple people (read: mailservers) in=20
one mailbox (read: network card).
John Franklin
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