[Hosting] [Fwd: hardware for trilug?]

Jeremy Portzer hosting@trilug.org
18 Mar 2003 11:59:28 -0500

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TriLUG hosting folks -- any thoughts ?

One thought I had was it's too bad we don't have a school we could
install LTSP in; this box might make a good LTSP server (especially with
more RAM).  Maybe we need to go recruiting for another school project.


-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Jason Tower <jason@cerient.net>
To: jeremyp@pobox.com
Subject: hardware for trilug?
Date: 17 Mar 2003 23:56:18 -0500

hey jeremy,

got a proposition for you.  this hardware really isn't suitable for me or m=
customers but i think it would work very well for trilug.  there's just one=
catch, but i'll save that for last:

ibm netfinity 5500 M10 rackmount server - 7 or 8U high, dual xeon 550s, 512=
ram, serveraid II controller, 2x18gb and 4x9gb hotswap disks.  it only has=20
two hotswap trays however, although with a little creativity you can get al=
of them plugged in and running (as i have done) or you can probably get ibm=
to donate the needed trays.  this is big heavy unit and will take up some=20
rack space but hopefully the CPU power would be worth it.

ibm exp15 rackmount scsi chassis - 3U high, holds 10 hotswap disks.  dual=20
channel backplane, dual hotswap power supplies.  has all ten trays but only=
four are drilled for the disks, the rest need to be (anyone with a drill=20
press should be able to do the job, but i don't have one).  plus twelve 9gb=
ultra160 SCA disks, brand new (enough to fill the unit plus two spares).

ibm serveraid 3H controller - 64bit PCI (works in regular 32bit slots as we=
w/ dual external and one internal channel, onboard battery backup.  and i=20
have the cables if necessary, they fit both the controller and the exp15=20
(very high density connectors).

my only problem is this (and i feel like a heel for saying it) but...  i ha=
to buy the twelve 9gb disks myself (i intended to use the unit myself but t=
size/power/noise makes it impractical).  i got a good deal on them but they=
still cost me about $200 out of pocket.  i'll glaly donate everything but=20
would like to cover my costs for the disks so it zeroes out on my company's=
balance sheet.  i don't expect trilug to pay me cash for this stuff but may=
we can swap some other hardware, maybe stuff that this equipment replaces? =
older servers, disks, memory, or whatnot.  i wish i were in a financial=20
position to donate it all outright but my business is only six months old a=
every penny counts right now.  i could probably sell this stuff on ebay for=
at least a grand but i'd rather give trilug the option first.  if i can=20
recover the $200 disk cost and just get a receipt for the rest that would=20
work for me, and hopefully trilug would benefit as well.  if not, no proble=
i'll just find some other outlet for it.

let me know what you think, feel free to forward to the rest of the SC as y=
see fit.  thanks,


| Jeremy Portzer       jeremyp@pobox.com       trilug.org/~jeremy     |
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