[Linux-ham] Steering Committee and Ham Radio

Tanner Lovelace clubjuggler at gmail.com
Mon May 16 21:40:46 EDT 2005

Lots of money to buy a repeater.  Lots of money to rent tower space.
However, we know enough people (read: Danny Musten, Charlie Durst)
who either have tower space or connections to get tower space that
that part might not be so hard.  After that, we'd need to get coordinated.
The 2m band is completely full.  There's no way at all we could
get a coordinated frequency there.  We might have better luck
with 440 but again, around here, it's fairly crowded. :-(  We could
certainly get a 220MHz or 1.2GHz frequency, but I'm probably
one of the few people around that has a 1.2GHz rig and even
then it doesn't work well on the scale of the triangle.  

So, not to discourage you or anything, but those are the downsides.

Now, what are the upsides?  Well, Aaron, Joel, et al have been
thinking about putting together a software repeater.  That would
be an excellent place to test out such a beast.  Also making
it a showcase for a linux repeater would be pretty cool too.

So, if you're really serious about it, I'd probably suggest 
talking to Danny Musten.  His e-mail address is is first
name at his last name dot com.


On 5/14/05, Rob Rousseau KI4BKE <KI4BKE at nc.rr.com> wrote:
> Ok, so in the parking garage this past Thursday there was some
> discussion of setting up a Trilug repeater.  What all did that involve
> again?  Hardware, software requirements, etc?
> 73,
> -Rob, KI4BKE
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Tanner Lovelace
clubjuggler at gmail dot com
(fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
increscent, all sable.

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