[Linux-ham] APRS Tracker project for Triangle area hams

Tanner Lovelace kb4tye at arrl.net
Mon Jun 5 11:15:34 EDT 2006

Hi folks,

A few of us are just about to order parts to put together some
inexpensive APRS tracker projects and I thought I'd run it past
the entire list to see if anyone else is interested in joining an order.

Basically, this an APRS tracker project, that is, it will broadcast
your position over APRS.  Radio is not included, but the kit as
described does include the GPS receiver.  It is suitable for
putting in your vehicle (and possibly for hiking but you'd need
to figure out where to mount the antenna and how to power it).
This is the same thing as found on http://www.cvarc.org/ (note:
there are 2 sets of links they give.  The first set goes to a
yahoo group you have to join to see.  The second set of
links, however, is on their website and needs no authentication).

Attached to this mail is a spreadsheet listing all the parts,
their prices, and configurations.  There are basically 3 parts
to the project

1. Tracker - $29 assembled rev3 opentracker
2. GPS receiver+antenna - about $30 or so
3. Parts - (about $25 with project box, about $7 if you provide your own box)

The total project cost ends up being just under $85.
(Not included in cost is servo tape, wire/shrink sleeve,
screws/washers/nuts, power connector, and paint).

Once you have the tracker built (since this is a kit),
all you need is a radio and a cable to go between the
tracker and the radio and you're good to go.  You'll be
able to beacon your position wherever you go.

So, my question is this.  Currently, we have 4 people
getting in on this order.  If anyone else would like to join
in, please take a look at the spreadsheet and the cvarc
web pages and e-mail me before 4pm today (sorry, I'm
just about to make the order, but thought I'd run it by
here first).

Note, of course, that this is only good for hams who are
local to the Triangle area of North Carolina.  For anyone
else, you're welcome to take our documentation and that
of the CVARC group and put together something yourself.

Tanner Lovelace

Tanner Lovelace
clubjuggler at gmail dot com
(fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
increscent, all sable.
-------------- next part --------------
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