[Linux-ham] QSL cards?

Glenn Starling GJStarling at charter.net
Wed Feb 21 11:04:28 EST 2007

Don't know for sure, but possibly lower rate of postage, particularly
for international postal union specifications.  Another possibility is
the ARRL card distribution system might limit the size of cards because
their sorting and storage bins are the smaller size.

-- Glenn  WB4UGH

On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 10:11 -0500, Rob Rousseau wrote:
> Thanks guys for the suggestions.   Next question.  Does it really matter 
> if the QSL card is 3.5" x 5.5" or could a regular postcard size 4"x6" 
> size be ok?   Why are they typically a smaller size?
> TNX,
> -Rob

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