[Linux-ham] TNC-PI on Raspberry PI

Tadd Torborg tadd at mac.com
Sun Feb 2 13:48:09 EST 2014

Folkert and the group,
  You are way ahead of me.  I hope you can give me a tutorial on how to do PC to PC linking using Ethernet and G8BPQ.  I’m not very good with Linux.  Please send your BPQ32.CFG files.  Thanks. 
Can you describe the setup you are using to test?  Do you have a free-range TNC talking to the ‘left’ PC?  How are you seeing the traffic come out the ‘right’ PC?  Did you engage a monitoring facility on G8BPQ?  I haven’t gotten so far as to find out how to do that.

My test system is an AEA PK88 TNC on one end, then that is over a short radio link to a TNC-PI plugged into the top of the Raspberry PI, then the 2nd TNC-PI on the same Raspberry PI is hooked to a radio that talks to and listens on 144.39.  Currently this works and I can connect into the node using the web interface and also connect in and out on packet over 144.39.  

I want to build up a 2nd Raspberry PI and use the facility you are working on (AX25UDP?) to link the two together across my desk.  

My intention is to build a multi-county Internet-Free and congestion-free terrestrial VHF/UHF Amateur Radio packet network consisting of at least a dozen stations, all of whom will be full-time network participants with a dedicated link between them.  As of Feb 2, 2014 there is just vapor-ware, what you and I are talking about.  I want to use Internet for configuration only as far as the radio network goes.  We already have Internet as a parallel network.  I think adding Internet paths, users, and data, to a ham radio network is counter-productive.

I would very much like the capability have using a home-computer system as part of the node but where the full-time-up parts of the system are run through Raspberry PI units and dedicated (cheap) radios.  The home-computer can thus be taken off-line without interrupting the network traffic.  I have a solution, I think, that will enable complete dual-radio network nodes, including antennas, to be built for around $400.  Some shipping costs may need to be added.  Some of us already have some of this gear.  I have a source for the GelCel.  We can get 70amp-hours I think which would back up a node for days.  
$40  RaspberryPI
$10  SD memory card
$45  TNC-PI
$45  TNC-PI
$40  used 2m mobile
$20  new Baofeng UHF HT  BF-888S
$100 dual-band 2m/440 antenna or pair of yagis
$30  coax
$20  power supplies for Baofeng and PI
$30  used GelCel backup battery
$15  charger
$10  mike->packet cables.  

I made a PDF of a document I’m working on to describe how to bring up the TNC-PI boards on the Raspberry PI.  I’m writing it for a user who is not particularly familiar with Linux.  I’d appreciate any feedback at all or more text to add.   I posted a PDF of the document on my web server at 
I also put up the bpq32.cfg file I’m using on the TNC-PI.

I usually listen to the 442.15 repeater PL131.8 in Chatham county (covers the triangle very well) as well as 146.52 from north Raleigh and 53.45 repeater, also in Chatham county.  

Tadd Torborg
tadd at mac.com

On Jan 30, 2014, at 6:00 PM, folkert <folkert at vanheusden.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Ok I've got ax25udp working: beacons I send into the bpq interface on
> the left come out on the right (= other pc).
> On the pc at the left where an ax25udp instance running, there's also a
> baycom modem connected (which shows itself as:
> 	bcsf0     Link encap:AMPR AX.25  HWaddr FH1GOU-1).
> What I'm wondering now is: how can I bridge or route traffic between my
> baycom modem and the bpq/axudp setup? And can I rate-limit that?
> regards,
> Folkert van Heusden
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