[RHCE] tcsh xterm title bar

Frank Pittenger rhce@trilug.org
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 17:57:17 -0500


I don't know how to do this in the seamless style of the set prompt
command.  The only way I know to get this information is with the dirs
command.  I tried inserting `dirs` into the line instead of %~ but the
results were not impressive.  Info is inserted to the title once, but on
subsequent directory changes, the directory stack goes to standard out
instead.  I tried creating a DIRS environment variable and setting it to
the output of the dirs command and then using the %$DIRS in the prompt
command.  This works as a multi-step process, but I couldn't get it to
work reliably on a single line.


Samir Gupta wrote:
> Hello Frank,
> I stumbled upon the message you wrote regarding set prompt="%{\033]0;%n@%M
> %~%L\007%}%n\[%h\]> " that enables you to display the current directory in
> the title bar.
> This is extremely useful, and is the only solution I have found that works
> after A LOT of web searching.
> I have one question: is it possible to display the directory stack (that
> might result from using pushd) instead of the current directory by itself?
> If so, what modification would need to be made?
> I appreciate your advice with this and hope this email does not
> inconvenience you.
> Sincerely,
> Samir
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