[RHCE] Next class is... tomorrow the 9th

Holton, Steven [NC1:JR04:EXCH] rhce@trilug.org
Mon, 08 Jul 2002 11:28:56 -0400

Sinner from the Prairy wrote:

> Meeting 4 (Tuesday, July 9, 6-10pm) Led by Steven Holton
> Alternate Installation Methods [LAB 1]
> - Kickstart
> - Network installs
> - Typical install "gotchas"

How much of the 2 hours do we want to spend on "lecture" and
how much do we want to spend on "lab"? 

Since Anaconda (the Red Hat installer) is best run during a
live install, you almost have to have a sacrificial system to
learn to use it. I'm presuming not everyone has a spare system they're willing
to put "under the knife" to learn installs, but 
that some people will be bringing in a system for just that.

Is anyone planning to bring in a sacrificial system to test
installs?  If not, I'll see what I can scrounge up.

It might also be nice to have a laptop (or some other PCMCIA-encumbered
system) to practice driver disk installs,
but I can't provide one of those.

I'm presuming the focus of tomorrow night's meeting will be
to allow people to become familiar with the Red Hat installer
and how to install Red Hat using something other than the 
usual "pop in the CD, click and go" install.

- Creating a dual (duel?) bootable system.
- Installing from network sources: NFS/FTP/HTTP
- Installing with a kickstart

We'll also need a box to act as a network server and a 
network to connect them. I'm planning to bring in a 
combination DHCP/WEB/FTP/NFS server if we won't have
those facilities available. I'll also bring in a 5-port
hub if that's helpful.

Or, if any of this is unnecessary, let me know.

And I'll post a list tonight of the "core competencies" 
each of us (in my opinion) should understand how to 
accomplish in this area. That list will likely be the 
core of my presentation as well.

I'll summarize what we've discussed after the lab and create
a web page with the summary afterward.

Steve Holton                                       ESN 35-18811