[RHCE] Yesterday's presentation

Sinner from the Prairy rhce@trilug.org
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 12:14:21 -0400

Fellow students,

I've tar'ed yesterday's presentation and uploaded to my website.


You can get it with the wget command:

wget http://www.ibiblio.org/sinner/linux/rhce.tar.gz

It is in HTML, contains a couple of images and it's optimized to work with 
AnyBrowser :)

It hasn't been corrected (yet) for typos. If you see any, please let me know, 
so I can fix it. I already have seen 4 typos. I will upload (at the same 
address) the updated version and announce it to the list.

Sinner / Josep
RedHat QA Test Engineer  --  Running RedHat 7.3 on i386smp