[RHCE] Red Hat 7.3 install problems.
Jason Tower
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 12:01:13 -0400 (EDT)
you may be right jon. unfortunately almost all common intel servers
suffer from the same problem (IBM, compaq, dell). i build my own
workstations but for server class hardware, even low end, it is easier and
cheaper to get a name brand system. that dell PE1400 with a 18GB 10K scsi
disk, 512MB ECC ram, serverworks chipset, integrated scsi, intel nic, and
decent video cost under $700 shipped and with a warranty, tough to beat
that deal.
why might the stock RH72 kernel (2.4.7) work beautifully and the RH73
stock kernel (2.4.18) suck? would the kernel scsi modules really have
> On Thursday 13 June 2002 07:55 am, Jason Tower wrote:
>> i installed 7.3 on my other poweredge 1400 server and had the exact
>> same scsi issue (failed to insert module during kernel boot).
> If I recall correctly, the Dell Poweredge series (especially the lower
> end) uses a proprietary SCSI adapter - built for them specially by
> Adaptec. You will need the Dell specific drivers.
> I inherited a bunch of low-end Dell Poweredge servers, and have found
> the whole lot to be proprietary pieces of crap. Yes, they run
> marvelously after you spend 12 hours installing them, but the high
> maintenance - caused by proprietary crap hardware that functionally
> add zero value to the unit - has tainted my view of them.
> Best of luck - Jon Carnes
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