[RHCE] RHCT study (again)

Frye, Matthew Matthew.Frye at rexhealth.com
Wed Mar 10 14:42:58 EST 2004


-----Original Message-----
From: Kent Baxley [mailto:baxkent at us.ibm.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 2:41 PM
To: rhce at trilug.org
Subject: [RHCE] RHCT study (again)


I was trying to post to the RHCE site.  Evidently it boots my messages out
and prints permission denied.  I registered for the site but I have no idea
what I'm doing wrong.  The site administrator emailed me a little while
ago, so hopefully I'll get it straightened out.

I had some questions about the RHCT 133 class and exam.  I'm going to the
class the first week of April.

I've got the following list of materials for study:

1) A copy of RHEL 3 Advanced Server.

2) A server here at work and a server at home to practice on.

3) The course outline for the RH133 class (from Red Hat)

4) I printed out the .pdfs for the RHEL sysadmin guide, installation guide,
and the Reference Guide.

5) I also have a copy of the RedHat Linux 9 Bible and the System
Adminsitration book from Red Hat press.

I've been using these as my study guides since late last year.  I've really
been hitting it pretty hard this week and I intend to do so until class is
done and the exam is behind me.

I'm looking for anything other resources besides what I already have.  I'm
not looking for what's on the test.  I'm well aware of the Non-Disclosure
Agreements Red Hat makes a test taker sign.

I'm shelling out some serious dough for this course.  My employer will only
reimburse me if I pass, so I need to make this count!  I'm not a total
Linux noob.  I've been working with Linux for about 4 years in a support
center.  My team just got the support mission for the eServer 1350 Linux
Cluster late last year.

I was looking around last night for any helpful information and I stumbled
across your weblog on google.  I saw that you had taken the test last year.
That's when also I noticed that you were a member of TriLug and that's what
led me to sign up for the RHCE forum.    I tried to post a message so I
could get some feedback on what you or others had done to prepare for the

If you have anything you'd like to add to my list above please let me know.

Thank you for your time.

Kent Baxley
   xSeries ServeRaid Cluster Hardware Support
   eServer 1300 and 1350 Hardware Support
   baxkent at us.ibm.com

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