[Trilug-announce] AINTENANCE REBOOT of login.trilug.org Fri 18th 13:00

Cristóbal Palmer cmp at cmpalmer.org
Wed Dec 16 16:25:33 EST 2009

pilot.trilug.org will rebooted for regular maintenance Friday (18th)
at 13:00. Services should be fully restored by 13:05, but we're
reserving a 30-minute maintenance window. The maintenance will be
complete by 13:30.

The following TriLUG/NCSA services are affected:

* mail
* mailman mailing lists
* websites (apache vhosts)
* login shells & screen sessions

Please contact me off-list if Friday's maintenance poses a severe burden.

Cristóbal M. Palmer
"The fun thing is to try to persuade others to share your opinions
about what rules and what sucks. Nothing is more fun than evangelism."
  --Larry Wall

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