[TriLUG-announce] February 9th Meeting - Trusted Network Connect (TNC)

Bill Farrow bill at arrowsreach.com
Thu Jan 26 09:36:33 EST 2012

Topic: Trusted Network Connect (TNC)
Presenter: Lisa Lorenzin
When: Thursday, February 9, 7pm
Where: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus
Map: http://www.redhat.com/about/contact/ww/americas/raleigh.html
URL: http://trilug.org/2012-02-09/tnc

The Trusted Computing Group is an international standards group
developing standards for building blocks and software interfaces
enabling secure computing environments. Trusted Network Connect (TNC),
a work group of TCG, provides a reference architecture and interfaces
for network-based intelligent policy decisions, security automation,
and communication between devices. Many open source and Linux-based
products implement TNC standards; we'll talk about the architecture
and standards, current implementations, and real-world uses for
TNC-enabled technology.

This overview is intended both as a standalone session and as
background for a future session, in which we will take a deep dive
into an open source, Linux-based security automation infrastructure
leveraging the TNC IF-MAP interface.


Lisa Lorenzin is a Principal Solutions Architect with Juniper
Networks, specializing in security and mobility solutions, and a
contributing member of Trusted Network Connect, a work group of the
Trusted Computing Group that defines an open architecture and
standards for endpoint integrity and network security. She has worked
in a variety of Internet-related roles since 1995, with more than a
decade of that focused on network and information security, and is
currently concentrating on enterprise security includin network
segmentation, end-to-end identity-based access
control, and integration of mobile security.

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