[TriLUG-announce] [TriLUG] Joint IEEE/Triangle Amateur Robotics and Triangle Embedded Computing meeting THIS Monday 12/2 (free pizza)

R Radford rradford at mindspring.com
Tue Nov 26 13:01:53 EST 2013

Since this is in IEEE meeting, it is recommended that those going please go
to the IEEE website and sign up that you plan to be there.


This does two thigs:
   * it helps us know how much pizza and drinks to order
   * when you get to the meeting, your name will already be on the form so
all you have to do is initial it (NCSU requires the name of those visiting
for meetings of this type after hours)

If you forget to sign up, don't fret - we are not checking names at the
door, but it does help in planning.

Regarding the triembed post, could someone please add this link to the info
on their website as well?


On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Bill Farrow <bill at arrowsreach.com> wrote:

> Hey TriLUG,
> Some of you might be interested in next weeks joint meeting of the
> Triangle Amateur Robotics and Triangle Embedded groups. There will be
> free Pizza and soft drinks, thanks to IEEE.
> Topic: Raspberry Pi
> Speaker: Ruth Suehle and Tom Calloway, authors of "Raspberry Pi Hacks."
> Date: Monday Dec 2nd, 6pm
> Location: Engineering Building I, NCSU Centennial Campus, 911 Partners
> Way, Room 1007, Raleigh, NC, 27606
> Website: http://triembed.org/
> If you are working on an embedded or robotic project you can bring
> them along to show and discuss.
> Bill
> --
> This message was sent to: Rodney Radford <rradford at mindspring.com>
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