[TriLUG] o'reilly books

Daniel T. Chen crimsun at email.unc.edu
Thu Aug 23 11:17:30 EDT 2001

Mmm, O'Reilly books on loan? Sounds sweet. I've a mini library myself.

Dan Chen                 crimsun at email.unc.edu
GPG key: www.cs.unc.edu/~chenda/pubkey.gpg.asc

On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, rpjday wrote:

>   i know that trilug has a library, but does anyone take serious
> advantage of it?  if so, i can probably arrange for my corporate
> contact at o'reilly to send a complimentary copy of new o'reilly
> books to the group.  given how many of those danged things i buy,
> i doubt it would take much arm-twisting, but i'd like to verify
> that people would actually use them, and they wouldnt just
> languish in a box somewhere.

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