[TriLUG] Instant Messaging
Sinner from the Prairy
sinner at escomposlinux.org
Thu Aug 23 20:41:30 EDT 2001
A Dijous 23 Agost 2001 01:26 pm, vàreu escriure:
> Hey, does anyone have any suggestions for the best multi-platform
> instant messaging client (i.e., AIM, yahoo, MSN, ICQ...) I've been
> using gaim but it has been problematic lately, and the latest everybuddy
> beta seems downright unstable. I'm looking for the best happy medium
> between connectivity and stability. (running Slack at home, RH7.1 at
> work.)
Hi Rob,
Gabber works for me with ICQ and MS-Messenger. It also has Jabber and AIM
capabilities, but I do not use them.
[MaDuiXa PoWeR] http://www.maduixa.net
__________________ Kernel 2.4.3 + ReiserFS
|\ Linux User # 89976
=====Sinner==== >=--[]>- a Mach 2.5!! Running on Mandrake 8.0
__________________|/ Linux Machine # 38068
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