[TriLUG] Re: Typing umlauts on an english keyboard

der.hans deb-user at LuftHans.com
Mon Aug 27 14:32:49 EDT 2001

Am 27. Aug, 2001 schwäzte Oliver Elphick so:

> Using vim as the editor, I can type Ctrl-k U " or Ctrl-k u "
> :dig shows all currently-defined digraphs.

Oooh. Most cool! So glad I've switched to vim for mail :).

If not using vim, then there's also keyboard maps ( I think they're due to
dead keys ). <alt>-v maps to ö, <alt>-d maps to ä, <alt>-\ maps to Ü. Don't
know why that one goes to capital. Shift reverses case for each of those.
<alt>-_ maps to ß. That's <alt>-<shift>--. I don't know how to find out what
the mapping is besides just trying everything.

For the final desperate ploy open up a web browser to a german web page and
cut and paste the chars. I used to keep all the German chars at the bottom
of my home page for that method when I got stuck on someone else's box.


# der.hans at LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.DevelopOnline.com
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