[TriLUG] [OT] Donations
prhodes at vdsinc.com
prhodes at vdsinc.com
Wed Sep 12 11:28:32 EDT 2001
Phillip Rhodes
Application Designer
Voice Data Solutions
919-571-4300 x225
prhodes at vdsinc.com
Those who are willing to sacrifice essential liberties for a little order,
will lose both and deserve neither. - Benjamin Franklin
This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it.
Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can
exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their
revolutionary right to overthrow it. - Abraham Lincoln
No citizen shall be denied the right to bear arms, if as a last resort, to
protect themselves from tyranny in Government. - Thomas Jefferson
> Several of you probably know this already, but in the interest of
> making sure the word is spread I'm gonna repeat it.
> Pay Pal and Amazon are both accepting donations for the American Red
> Cross. 100% of donations will be given, with both companies saying
> that they will not be charging their usual fees.
In addition, Firehouse.com, the online branch of Firehouse magazine, has
set up a relief fund
for the families of the ~265 firefighters who lost their lives.
Here is the info, for anyone who is interested:
Firehouse.com Establishes FDNY Bravest Fund for Fallen Heroes' Families
On Wednesday, Firehouse.com will formally establish the 'New York Bravest
Memorial Fund'
to provide for the families of those FDNY members lost in today's tragedy.
Checks or money
orders payable to the fund may be sent to:
New York Bravest Memorial Fund
c/o Firehouse.com
9658 Baltimore Ave - Suite 350
College Park, MD 20740
Please, do not send cash
Further information will be posted Wednesday.
Phillip Rhodes
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