Kmail was Re: [TriLUG] awesome article
Sinner from the Prairy
sinner_prairy at
Sun Sep 23 21:06:42 EDT 2001
>>>Oh yeah. But it is hurting his credibility, I think, when he
>do note the comment was not made by me.
Do note that I left the indicaition that it was the message before yours.
>>No luck with Kmail ? I thought it worked.
>Kmail was a #@#$! to install because it made me install all this kde
>crap. Then it refused to receive mail and just returns an error. (yes
>I have the pop server settings correct!) I tried it first with the
>redhat 7.1 distro version then with all the latest. 1.5 hours is about
>tripple the time I had alotted. And worst of couldn't connect
>with ispell.. . so kmail = :-( .
Well, I use KDE and Kmail and it works pretty good with me. Mandrake 8.0
here, with KDE 2.2.1
>>Whatever. I still like KDE the better. It's better internationalized in my
>>language (Catalan) than Gnome.
>hey to each their own. Just saying for the "switch between
>linux/solaris" reason for using kde -- they're going to be in for a rude
>awakening. Since I don't know any Catalan, the internationalizaiton
>isn't an issue for me. ;-)
OK. But there are a lot of people out there that having the applications in
their language is a must. Not everybody understands English. Sometime, I do
not understand English (nor any other language, after a long nite at the
Irish pub, if you understand what I mean)
And having worked with CDE **after** using KDe 0.9 something, well, I won't
miss it,r eally. :)
>Its scary the crap people are saying these days. What's worse is the
>backlash against people who happen to be islamic or look islamic to
>ignorant people. Too bad the idiots shall inherit the earth.
Avtualy, there were a bunch os Spanish singers at LA by the time of the
bombings. And the people of Southern Spain, who were under direct arabic
influence for around 800 years... well, they look very arabic. And a few of
those singers were from the south and they were scared to go out, because of
they look. Even though they are good christians and all that. But those are
wierd days...
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