[TriLUG] Help for newer user - Ray Bordt

Bill Vinson billvinson at nc.rr.com
Tue Oct 23 10:28:50 EDT 2001

Ray Bordt came to our last meeting and he is trying to get Mandrake all 
set up to his liking.  He called me last night and this morning and has 
managed to get Mandrake installed, but can't seem to get back to Windows 
to post his question on the list.  Not sure what is going on where he 
can't see a boot loader.  I don't know what Mandrake uses as it has been 
a year or so since I tried it last and that was for about 24 hours 
before I went back to Debian :)  I figured I would try to point him in 
the direction of someone who knew Mandrake.  He has no ability to get 
online now, so you may feel free to call him at 782-8914.

He also needs help with 3 things I never mess with:

1.	Setting up an internal non-winmodem for dial in to Earthlink.
	Pretty sure Mandrake has a tool for this, just don't know what.
2.	Setting up a LaserJet 4 printer
	Pretty sure Mandrake has a tool for this, just don't know what.
3.	Possibly getting emacs installed although I don't know why ;)


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