[TriLUG] Re: Red Hat Installer: was: [different versions of 7.2 for sale]
prhodes at vdsinc.com
prhodes at vdsinc.com
Tue Oct 30 10:53:48 EST 2001
> I work for Red Hat on the installer (and various config tools), and I'm
> <snip>
> So I guess the question isn't just to Roy, but to everybody:
> What can we do to make the Red Hat Linux installer better?
FWIW, I have one suggestion for the RH Installer. There is a feature that
SuSE nominally /has/ but doesn't work, or doesn't work well, that I would
love to see in Red Hat. And that is, the ability to save your installation
settings to a floppy disk, and then retrieve those settings for a future
install. In particular, I'd like a working version of this, because I
always do a "select individual packages" when I install. And it's a pain in
the arse to go through that huge list of packages and select all that
stuff, every time I do an install. If I could retrieve a saved list of
selected packages, it would make re-installs much easier, as well as doing
indentical installs on multiple machines.
note: I haven't done a RH install for a while ( been using SuSE for the
last 8 months or so ), so if this feature is already there, please ignore
this message. And me. :-)
Phillip Rhodes
Application Designer
Voice Data Solutions
919-571-4300 x225
prhodes at vdsinc.com
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