[TriLUG] Re: Red Hat Installer: was: [different versions of 7.2 for sale]
prhodes at vdsinc.com
prhodes at vdsinc.com
Tue Oct 30 12:14:16 EST 2001
> You name, you have it.
> Check the anaconda-ks.conf file in your /root directory after install.
> It is the file that, once checkd by you and modified accordingly (say,
> partitioning, install media...) will let you do this. Just copy it onto a
> boot.img / bootnet.img floppy as "ks.conf" and, at SysBoot prompt type
> "linux ks=floppy" and you are done.
> Look for further help on RedHat site : the codeword is "Kickstart"
Cool. I didn't know about that. I might just start using that in the
I still think, however, that it would be a good idea, from a convenience
standpoint if nothing else,
to make it an explicit option in the installer. Have a checkbox or
something that says
"save installation settings to disk", and if it's checked, prompt the user
for a floppy
at the appropriate point. It could then create the bootable floppy for
you and everything.
I mean, I wouldn't mind doing it manually, but for a more "novice" user it
would be nice to have
something like that in the install. And even for me, it would be a nice
little convenience.
Phillip Rhodes
Application Designer
Voice Data Solutions
919-571-4300 x225
prhodes at vdsinc.com
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