[TriLUG] Old dilemma, IBM Etherjet cards

Daniel T. Chen crimsun at email.unc.edu
Thu Nov 1 12:08:33 EST 2001

tulip.c is not a module, it's part of the source that needs to be compiled
to make a module. The instructions come with the source. I'm not familiar
with the diskettes; there may already be a precompiled tulip.o module
somewhere, but watch out for modversion dependencies...

http://www.scyld.com/network/tulip.html  for more info.

Dan Chen                 crimsun at email.unc.edu
GPG key: www.cs.unc.edu/~chenda/pubkey.gpg.asc

On Thu, 1 Nov 2001, Jeff Bollinger wrote:

> I've seen some recent discussion (I think) about getting the IBM
> Etherjet 10/100 PCMCIA cards to work, though I'm having some trouble
> with this card.
> Specifically, I'm trying to help a user do an FTP install of 7.2 and
> before anything the installer wants to insert a module, none of which
> that are available seem to work.  I downloaded tulip.c which allegedly
> is the updated driver for the card, though when I point the installer to
> the driver (tulip.c) on a different floppy it doesn't recognize this.
> Help?
> Thanks,
> Jeff

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