[TriLUG] RH 7.2 installer suggestions

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Sun Nov 4 17:55:40 EST 2001


I saw this and had to laugh!  My new ThinkPad A22p has a CDRW and I
use LaTeX (tetex) on an almost daily basis...  ;-)


Matt Matthews wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 04, 2001 at 01:45:51PM -0500, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
>>3. Tetex on a laptop...not sure I need such things.  I'm not running a
>>print shop on my laptop.
> This is precisely the reason that many academics want Linux on a laptop. It
> should stay, despite being somewhat large.
>>8. cdrecord shouldn't be default on a laptop. Not many laptops have cdr
>>drives (are there any?)
> This is a prime selling point for the Apple iBooks and PowerBooks. I suspect
> that if x86 laptop makers haven't already picked up on that, they will very
> soon. (I think x86 laptops already have them, but I'm not a laptop shopper.)
> Regards,
> matt

Edward H. Hill III, PhD
Post-Doctoral Researcher    |  Emails:   <ed at eh3.com>, <ehill at mines.edu>
Division of ESE             |  URL:      http://www.eh3.com
Colorado School of Mines    |  Phone:    303-273-3483
Golden, CO  80401           |  Fax:      303-273-3311

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